CLERA - Cymdeithas
Offerynnau Traddodiadol Cymru -
Dysgwch a chwaraewch Gerddoriaeth Draddodiadol Gymreig Alawon traddodiadol Cymreig mewn setiau Nodiant, ffeiliau Midi, ffeiliau MP3 |
Society for the Traditional Instruments of Wales - Learn and play Welsh Traditional Music Welsh traditional tunes in sets Scores, Midi files, MP3 files |
alawon sesiwn |
alawon misol |
Alawon unigol |
Caneuon |
Digwyddiadau |
Session tune books |
Monthly tune sets |
Individual tunes |
Songs |
Events |
Y casgliad setiau alawon sesiwn | |
The collection of session tunes |
Medi 2024 - set y mis | Set Naid Pwt | A new set every month This month's set - Sept 2024 |
Cynigwn Alawon
Sesiwn, ein llyfrau alawon i'ch helpu ymarfer eich alawon a setiau a dysgu rhai newydd. |
Alawon Sesiwn tune books are here to help you practise your tunes and sets and to learn new ones. |
Cliciwch yma i weld pa setiau sydd y llyfrau alawon |
Click here to see the sets included in the tune books |
alawon a CDs £P1 Pris cyffredin / £P2 pris aelod |
£P1 / £P2 |
books and CDs £P1 normal price / £P2 Member price |
Llyfr alawon 1,
maint A5 ac A4 Cliciwch yma i weld y rhestr cynnwys |
Sesiwn 1 A5 £6/£5, A4 £9/£8 + post £4 A5, £4 A4 |
Tune book 1 in A5 and A4 size Click here to see contents list |
Llyfr alawon 2,
maint A5 ac A4 Cliciwch yma i weld y rhestr cynnwys |
Sesiwn 2 A5 £6/£5, A4 £9/£8 + post £4 A5, £4 A4 |
Tune book 2 in A5 and A4 size Click here to see contents list |
Llyfr alawon 3,
maint A5 ac A4 Cliciwch yma i weld y rhestr cynnwys |
Sesiwn 3 A5 £6/£5, A4 £9/£8 + post £4 A5, £4 A4 |
Tune book 3 in A5 and A4 size Click here to see contents list |
Llyfr alawon 4,
maint A5 Cliciwch yma i weld y rhestr cynnwys | Alawon
Sesiwn 4 A5 £6/£5, A4 £9/£8 + post £4 A5, £4 A4 | Tune book 4 in A5 size Click here to see contents list |
Llyfr alawon dechreuwyr Clera, gyda
2 CD |
Pwt-ar-y-bys £12/£10 + post £4 |
Clera's beginners' tune book, with 2 CDs |
CD cerddofa Clera, recordiwyd 2009 |
Glerorfa CD £6/£5 + post £4 |
of Clera's Orchestra, recorded 2009 |
Llyfr setiau alawon a threfniadau Y
Glerorfa |
Hobed £6/£5 + post £4 |
of Y Glerorfa Tunes/ Arrangements |
am setiau Maint A5 Unrhyw 2 gyda'i gilydd: £11 (£9 i aelodau) + £5 post Unrhyw 3 : £15 (aelod £12) + £5 post Yr holl set, 4 : £20 (aelod £16) + £5 post Maint A4 - cludiant +£6 Unrhyw 2, A4 print mawr: £17 (aelod £14) Y 3 A4 print mawr: £25 (aelod £21) Y 4 A4 print mawr: £32 (aelod £27) E-bostiwch eich archeb i ac os dymunwch, taliwch drwy PayPal yn uniongyrchol i neu ddrefnwch dalu drwy drosglwyddiad banc neu siec pan yn archebu. |
for sets A5 size Any 2 together: £11, (£9 to members) + £5 post Any 3 £15 (memb £12) + £5 post All 4 £20 (memb(£16) + £5 post A4 size + £6 delivery Any 2, A4 large print: £17 (members £14) The 3 A4 large print: £25 (members £21) The 4 A4 large print: £32 (members £27) E-mail your order to and if you wish, make direct PayPal payment to or arrange to pay by bank transfer or cheque when placing your order. |
Pwt ar
y Bys Ar gyfer decheruwyr - Llyfr A5 + 2 CD 60 alaw Gymreig gyda recordiau o bob un yn araf a hefyd yn gyflym fel sy'n arferol a nodiant hefyd. Pris £12 (aelod £10) + £4 post |
Pwt ar y Bys A5 book + 2 CDs - for beginners 60 Welsh tunes with CD recordings at slow and normal speed and notation for each tune. Price £12 (memb £10) + £4 post |
Glerorfa: yn fyw live Crynoddisg o'r recordiad o gyngerdd y Glerorfa, cerddofa Clera, yn y Galeri yng Nghaernarfon yn Ebrill 2009. 12 set o alawon gorau'r Glerorfa Pris £5 (aelod £4) + £3 post |
Y Glerorfa: yn fyw - live CD A live recording of a concert given by the Clera Orchestra, Y Glerorfa in Y Galeri, Caernarfon in April 2009. 12 sets of Y Glerorfa's best tunes tunes. Price £5 (memb £4) + £3 post |
Hobed Llyfr A5 Llyfr nodiant gyda threfniadau 52 o alawon Gymreig mewn 14 set gan gynnwys y rheini ar CD y Glerorfa. Pris £6 (aelod £5) + £3 post |
Hobed A5 book Musical notation of the Clerorfa arrangements of 52 Welsh tunes in 14 sets including those on the Clerorfa CD. Price £6 (memb £5) + £3 post |
Clera £10 y flwyddyn, (£5 digyflog, £15 teulu) Mae'r flwyddyn aelodaeth yn rhedeg o Ionawr 1 i Ragfyr 31. Cliciwch yma am ffurflen ymaelodi. |
Clera Membership £10pa, (£5 unwaged, £15 family) The membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. Click here for a membership form. |
Cerddoriaeth Gymreig di-dor | |
Non-stop Welsh traditonal music |
Setiau Sesiwn |
Setiau misol |
Trefn y wyddor |
Caneuon |
Yn fyw |
Session sets |
Monthly sets |
Tunes - alphabetical |
Songs |
Live |
Cliciwch yma i ymaelodi â Clera Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy am Clera Ymholiadau - |