CLERA - Cymdeithas
Offerynnau Traddodiadol Cymru -
Dysgwch a chwaraewch Gerddoriaeth Draddodiadol Gymreig Alawon traddodiadol Cymreig mewn setiau Nodiant, ffeiliau Midi, ffeiliau MP3 |
Society for the Traditional Instruments of Wales - Learn and play Welsh Traditional Music Welsh traditional tunes in sets Scores, Midi files, MP3 files |
alawon sesiwn |
alawon misol |
Alawon unigol |
Caneuon |
Digwyddiadau |
Session tune books |
Monthly tune sets |
Individual tunes |
Songs |
Events |
Y casgliad setiau alawon sesiwn | |
The collection of session tunes |
Ionawr 2025 - set y mis |
Set Calennig Morris Edward |
A new set every month This month's set - Jan 2025 |
Cynigwn Alawon
Sesiwn, ein llyfrau alawon i'ch helpu ymarfer eich alawon a setiau a dysgu rhai newydd. |
Alawon Sesiwn tune books are here to help you practise your tunes and sets and to learn new ones. |
yma i
weld pa setiau sydd y llyfrau alawon |
here to see the sets included in the tune books |
alawon a CDs £P1 Pris cyffredin / £P2 pris aelod |
£P1 / £P2 |
books and CDs £P1 normal price / £P2 Member price |
Llyfr alawon 1,
maint A5 ac A4 Cliciwch yma i weld y rhestr cynnwys |
Sesiwn 1 A5 £6/£5, A4 £9/£8 + post £4 A5, £4 A4 |
book 1 in A5 and A4 size Click here to see contents list |
Llyfr alawon 2,
maint A5 ac A4 Cliciwch yma i weld y rhestr cynnwys |
Sesiwn 2 A5 £6/£5, A4 £9/£8 + post £4 A5, £4 A4 |
book 2 in A5 and A4 size Click here to see contents list |
Llyfr alawon 3,
maint A5 ac A4 Cliciwch yma i weld y rhestr cynnwys |
Sesiwn 3 A5 £6/£5, A4 £9/£8 + post £4 A5, £4 A4 |
book 3 in A5 and A4 size Click here to see contents list |
Llyfr alawon 4,
maint A5 Cliciwch yma i weld y rhestr cynnwys |
Sesiwn 4 A5 £6/£5, A4 £9/£8 + post £4 A5, £4 A4 |
book 4 in A5 size Click here to see contents list |
Llyfr alawon dechreuwyr Clera, gyda
2 CD |
Pwt-ar-y-bys £12/£10 + post £4 |
Clera's beginners' tune book, with 2 CDs |
CD cerddofa Clera, recordiwyd 2009 |
Glerorfa CD £6/£5 + post £4 |
of Clera's Orchestra, recorded 2009 |
Llyfr setiau alawon a threfniadau Y
Glerorfa |
Hobed £6/£5 + post £4 |
of Y Glerorfa Tunes/ Arrangements |
am setiau Maint A5 Unrhyw 2 gyda'i gilydd: £11 (£9 i aelodau) + £5 post Unrhyw 3 : £15 (aelod £12) + £5 post Yr holl set, 4 : £20 (aelod £16) + £5 post Maint A4 - cludiant +£6 Unrhyw 2, A4 print mawr: £17 (aelod £14) Y 3 A4 print mawr: £25 (aelod £21) Y 4 A4 print mawr: £32 (aelod £27) E-bostiwch eich archeb i ac os dymunwch, taliwch drwy PayPal yn uniongyrchol i neu ddrefnwch dalu drwy drosglwyddiad banc neu siec pan yn archebu. |
for sets A5 size Any 2 together: £11, (£9 to members) + £5 post Any 3 £15 (memb £12) + £5 post All 4 £20 (memb(£16) + £5 post A4 size + £6 delivery Any 2, A4 large print: £17 (members £14) The 3 A4 large print: £25 (members £21) The 4 A4 large print: £32 (members £27) E-mail your order to and if you wish, make direct PayPal payment to or arrange to pay by bank transfer or cheque when placing your order. |
Pwt ar
y Bys Ar gyfer decheruwyr - Llyfr A5 + 2 CD 60 alaw Gymreig gyda recordiau o bob un yn araf a hefyd yn gyflym fel sy'n arferol a nodiant hefyd. Pris £12 (aelod £10) + £4 post |
Pwt ar y Bys A5 book + 2 CDs - for beginners 60 Welsh tunes with CD recordings at slow and normal speed and notation for each tune. Price £12 (memb £10) + £4 post |
Glerorfa: yn fyw live Crynoddisg o'r recordiad o gyngerdd y Glerorfa, cerddofa Clera, yn y Galeri yng Nghaernarfon yn Ebrill 2009. 12 set o alawon gorau'r Glerorfa Pris £5 (aelod £4) + £3 post |
Y Glerorfa: yn fyw - live CD A live recording of a concert given by the Clera Orchestra, Y Glerorfa in Y Galeri, Caernarfon in April 2009. 12 sets of Y Glerorfa's best tunes tunes. Price £5 (memb £4) + £3 post |
Hobed Llyfr A5 Llyfr nodiant gyda threfniadau 52 o alawon Gymreig mewn 14 set gan gynnwys y rheini ar CD y Glerorfa. Pris £6 (aelod £5) + £3 post |
Hobed A5 book Musical notation of the Clerorfa arrangements of 52 Welsh tunes in 14 sets including those on the Clerorfa CD. Price £6 (memb £5) + £3 post |
Llyfr Alawon Morris Edward Llyfr A4 - 210 tudalen Casgliad cyflawn 122 o alawon a chwaraewyd gan y ffidlwr o Fôn, Thomas Edward tua 1778. Trawsgrifiwyd pob un o gopi Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru o'r llawysgrifau gwreiddiol a gedwir yn Archifau Prifysgol Bangor a chyflwynir crynodeb, dadansoddiad ac arweiniad iddynt gan Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne a Robert Parker. Pris £9 (aelod £7) + £5 post | Alawon Morris Edward Tune Book 1778 A4 book - 210 pages The complete collection of 122 tunes played by Anglesey fiddler Thomas Edward around 1778. All were transcribed from the Natioinal Library of Wales copies of the original manuscripts held at Bangor University Archives and are presented with summary, analysis and guidance by Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne and Robert Parker. Price £9 (memb £7) + £5 post | |
Clera £10 y flwyddyn, (£5 digyflog, £15 teulu) Mae'r flwyddyn aelodaeth yn rhedeg o Ionawr 1 i Ragfyr 31. Cliciwch yma am ffurflen ymaelodi. |
Clera Membership £10pa, (£5 unwaged, £15 family) The membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. Click here for a membership form. |
Cerddoriaeth Gymreig di-dor | |
Non-stop Welsh traditonal music |
Setiau Sesiwn |
Setiau misol |
Trefn y wyddor |
Caneuon |
Yn fyw |
Session sets |
Monthly sets |
Tunes - alphabetical |
Songs |
Live |
Cliciwch yma i ymaelodi â Clera Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy am Clera Ymholiadau - |