Set y Facsen Felen

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Taith Trwy Gymru
A journey through Wales
Y Facsen Felen
The golden brew
Sesiwn yng Nghymru
A session in Wales
Set y Facsen Felen

Chwarae'r set
Play the set

Dysgodd Gerard Kilbride y set hon mewn sesiwn gweithdy Clera yn 2008. Mae ef a'i frawd Bernard a Dan mewn amrywiol gyfuniadau wedi chwarae'r set hon neu ran ohoni dros y blynyddoedd ac mae Bernard wedi recordio fideo YouTube sydd wedi'i gynnwys yn y dudalen hon. Mae hefyd wedi recordio fideos eraill o alawon poblogaidd Cymreig ac mae'n cynnwys addurniadau bywiog ac amrywiadau yn ei chwarae.
Dysgodd y brodyr Kilbride Y Facsen Felen o'r gitarydd Dafydd Saer. Noda Bernard nad yw jigiau naid fel Y Facsen Felen mor gyffredin mewn cerddoriaeth Gymreig ag ydynt mewn cerddoriaeth Wyddelig.

Gerard Kilbride taught this set in a Clera workshop session in 2008. He and his brothers Bernard and Dan in various combinations have played this set or part of it over the years and Bernard has recorded a YouTube video which is included in this page. He has also recorded other videos of popular Welsh tunes and includes lively embellishments and variations in his playing.
The Kilbride brothers learned Y Facsen Felen from guitarist Dafydd Saer. Bernard points out that slip jigs like Y Facsen Felen are not as common in Welsh traditional music as they are in Irish music.

Chwarae'r alaw
Play the melody
Chwarae'r alaw'n araf
Play the tune slowly

Chwarae'r alaw
Play the melody
Chwarae'r alaw'n araf
Play the tune slowly


Chwarae'r alaw
Play the melody
Chwarae'r alaw'n araf
Play the tune slowly


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