Set Tredegar Set mis

Setiau - Sets
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Ar Ben Waun Tredegar
On the top of Tredegar Common
Agoriad y Cwrw
The opening of the beer
Set Tredegar
Tredegar sets

Chwarae'r set
Play the set
Chwarae'r set yn araf
Play the set slowly

Mae set y mis hwn wedi ei chysegru i dref Tredegar lle mae criw gweithgar wrth eu bodd yn canu alawon Cymreig. Mae wedi’i hysbrydoli gan y gân Gymraeg adnabyddus sydd ynddi, Ar Ben Waun Tredegar.
Rhoed yr enw yr enw Yfory i'r alaw agoriadol oherwydd ni ellir dod o hyd i ffynhonnell ysgrifenedig, felly cysylltwch â ni os gwyddwch!
Mae’r gân yn dilyn ac mae'r set yn cloi gydag Agoriad y Cwrw, alaw o gasgliad Morris Edward sy'n dyddio o 1778 ac wedi’i thrawsgrifio’n amyneddgar yng nghasgliad Robert Parker a Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne.

This month's set is dedicated to the town of Tredegar where an active group delight in playing Welslh tunes. It is inspired by the well-known Welsh song it contains, Ar Ben Waun Tredegar (on top of Tredegar meadow).
The opening tune has been given the name Yfory (Tomorrow) because no written source can be found, so please contact us if it's recgnised!
The song follows and the set concludes with Agoriad y Cwrw, a tune from the Morris Edward collection patiently transcribed and presented as a set by Robert Parker and Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne.


Chwarae'r alaw
Play the melody
Chwarae'r alaw'n araf
Play the melody slowly

Chwarae'r alaw
Play the melody
Chwarae'r alaw'n araf
Play the melody slowly

1. Ar ben Waun Tredegar mae eirin a chnau
Ar ben Waun Tredegar mae 'fale mis Mai
Ar ben Waun Tredegar mae ffrwythau o bob rhyw
Ar ben Waun Tredegar mae 'nghariad i'n byw.

2. Fy nghariad a notws i wylad y nos
Fy nghariad a wetws do lawer gair cro's
Fy nghariad a notws i edrych yn llon
Fy nghariad a dorrws fy nghalon i bron.

Chwarae'r alaw
Play the melody
Chwarae'r alaw'n araf
Play the melody slowly

Setiau - Sets
A,B,C ....

Mis blaenorol
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