Set Joio |
Set mis Hydref 2016 October set |
Y Cwac Cymreig The Welsh quack |
Rîl Llandaf The Llandaff reel |
Joio Having fun |
Set Joio |
Chwarae'r set Play the set |
set hwylus iawn sy'n canu'n dda fel polcas. Hen alaw ddawns draddodiadol yw'r Cwac Cymreig. Mae Rîl Llandaf hefyd yn alaw ddawns draddodiadol ond un newydd yw'r alaw lonaf oll yn y set: Joio. Daw'r enw Joio o fratiaith De Cymru o'r Saesneg enjoy i gyflwyno'r syniad o fwynhau'n fawr. |
jolly set which runs well as a set of polkas starts with the
traditional dance Welsh Quack which
dates back over 200 years and Rîl Llandaf is another traditional dance
tune but the last tune is a new one. Joio is the South Walian slang Welsh derived from the English enjoy and is the jolliest tune in the set. |
Chwarae'r alaw Play the melody |
Chwarae'n araf Play slowly |
Chwarae'r alaw Play the melody |
Chwarae'n araf Play slowly |
Chwarae'r alaw Play the melody |
Chwarae'n araf Play slowly |